Boundless Collaboration

Friday, February 7, 2025
8:30 am HST4:30 pm HST
University of Hawaii at Hilo UCB 127
200 W. Kawili Street
Hilo, AL 96720

In this one-day workshop, practice a high-performance collaboration process that can be used in large complex projects as well as in small groups. Develop skills and tools in order to gain alignment on shared purpose and outcomes, know the appropriate decision-making method for every situation, and value contributions through brainstorming and idea-building for maximum contribution of each member.

Sylvia Kahalia Dolena worked for Hewlett-Packard (HP) for 18 years, including as a Global Programs and Operations Manager and as a Strategic Change Project Manager. She has worked as an external business consultant with HP and other high-tech and retail companies like AMD and Best Buy. Recently, Dolena was a Project Manager for one Fortune 100 Company’s new Leadership Certification Program. She delivers workshops and leadership development programs in Hawai‘i and nationally. She holds an MBA in Organizational Effectiveness from University of Southern California and an MS in Strategic Management of Technology Organizations from Stanford and IESE, the European School of Business in Barcelona.